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We are focus on Enterprise Architecture and Digital Transformation for Universitas Gadjah Mada – toward Intelligent University

enabler, initaite and enabling digital transformation

process business integration

supporting for shared service dan resources

AI UGM Generated Content

e-Mall & Search Engine

Digital Transformation Program

Enterprise Architecture

Digitizing all efficient and platform-based business processes forms the cornerstone of the Digital University. The Enterprise Architecture will be derived and translated into Information Technology Governance that oversees the development and management of information systems, including its roadmap. Technological advancements will follow this roadmap, encompassing technological architecture and supporting infrastructure, data management and data integration, as well as secure-by-design principles. A smart and integrated university is realized with all components of Governance structured and comprehensively implemented throughout the University. Ultimately, this will create an environment conducive to the growth and achievement of an Intelligent University.

release : http://ea.ugm.ac.id

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Problem Solving trough Data Analytic

Provide comprehensive data analytic to identify, analyse, and solve the visible problems, pattern problems, linked problems, and deep problems in University-wide. The problem-based approach is an approach to identifying, analyzing, and solving problems through a problem-centered approach in business processes using data analysis and technology.

The problem-based approach is implemented by digitizing the identification of issues through knowledge management, where all work units can share problems and their solutions. A knowledge management model is used as the basis for changing business processes and sharing services. Data changes can be made dynamically to adapt to existing challenges, standardized and centralized data exchange is carried out to ensure data-driven and data analysis processes. The information system is driven to become dynamic and adaptive to current needs. This approach is used to realize the concept of an Enterprise System for UGM, which integrates all data sources, business processes, issues, and business process solutions.

Project :
UGM360Analytic (On going)

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Data Integration

From scattered data into ingrated data to support data driven decission and policy based evidence. Data management begins with the digitalization of all potential fundamental data generated in the three pillars of academia, management, operations, and their support processes. The approach involves developing and implementing Open Data, Data Exchange, and Data Mart.

In the next phase, it results in the creation of a flow and mapping for the realization that can channel all information into a single location. It will serve as the Single Truth of data and provide a valid foundation for creating Analytic. This will empower UGM with comprehensive and valid data, ensuring high quality as the basis for developing data modeling for the purpose of implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI UGM).

UGM Search Engine (local access)

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Satu Data

Satu Data UGM for multi purposes in Big Data UGM. Satu Data UGM supporting the efficient and effective management, performance management system, and excellent operations.

UGM Satu Data (On going)

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Future Skills

Human Resources Development for digital transformation with future skills.

Digital Transformation Literation Program

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Shared Services and Resources

Integrating business process trough shared service and shared resources models.

UGM e-Mall

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Single Apps & Platform

UGM single platform and apps for supporting full pipeline services and data analytics. Accelerating UGM digital ecosystem with productive and superapps.

UGM vNext SIMASTER (collab with DTI – on going)

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Advanced Technology Labs

Advanced Technology Labs for accelerating the Global Healthcare architecture, AI Society, and Advanced-interdisiplinary research platform and community development.

UGM AI Society

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FocusStepsIntelligent University

Digital Transformation Office
Universitas Gadjah Mada
